Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Staying Inside

The Scientist wrote about something I have been thinking about: What is going to happen to taxonomy now that we have new DNA analysis tools?

It has already happened and it is worse than I imagined. Not only are biologist who observe and classify dying out, but classical biology is on the wane.

It is the ultimate data reduction--turning a butterfly into a DNA sequence. Who would you want making your environmental decisions, someone looking at a butterfly or someone with a DNA sequence on their computer monitor?

A point that goes by quickly in the article is that researchers are chasing medical research dollars at the NIH instead of doing basic biology. Yet another perversion created by U.S. health care.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Find me at TheSeranoGroup.org

This Blogger site's primary purpose is to provide me with a Blogger identity so I can comment on other blogs. I post regularly at The Serano Group site.